As has sometimes happened in previous years, so many people tried to submit all at once on the day of the deadline that some of them could not get through, or experienced random errors. Additionally, the submission system apparently started putting up the message that submissions were closed a few hours early, due to an error in the time zone settings on the server.
In order to ease the crunch and allow everyone who has been trying to submit to get their work in, the deadline has been extended to January 17, 2010. This should allow the remaining submissions to be spread over a longer time and ease the load on the server, but if you still encounter any sort of trouble, please e-mail and let us know.
Those of you considering submitting now have a little over two more weeks in which to do it. But we very strongly recommend not waiting until the 17th to submit - having so many people wait until the last day was largely what caused the problems people were experiencing!