New Images By Canadian Artist Eamon Mac Mahon

Welcome art collectors into this new decade brimming with optimism. The air is a-sparkle with goodness and to celebrate we bring you our next artist Canadian Eamon Mac Mahon, whose work is the visual counterpart to this optimistic new decade and a perfect way to breathe light into your January.
Dare we say, these images remind us of one of the most famous living artists of all time, Gerhard Richter, who paints from the photographs he has taken. We think Eamon does the reverse, painting these images using his camera. They are universal and hard to place in any particular period of time, somehow capturing a gesture of nature that is both quiet and powerful. Such is the mystery of this wonderful world we live in.
We launched one month ago and since then have shipped art by emerging photographers across Canada, to the US, Belgium, the UK and Mexico. Thank you to our first collectors. Our enormous gratitude also to Seth Godin for the wonderful endorsement “thanking us for what we do” and to the team at Daily Candy, Fashion Magazine, Vitamin Daily and Design Edge for your great coverage. Also, make sure to check out EYE BUY ARTist Mark Kasumovic's solo exhibition at Toronto Image Works Gallery until January 30th. What NOW Magazine lists as "a must-see show" for 2010!
EYE BUY ART is the sister organization to the Toronto-based Flash Forward, an annual competition that showcases the future of photography and is considered to be one of the most important emerging art incubators in the world. 10% of the proceeds from each sale will go towards funding for the recently announced Flash Forward Festival.
About US
EYE BUY ART is a carefully curated online art gallery that represents an exciting new generation of emerging photographers from Canada, the UK and the US, and offers limited edition photographs at prices that start at $25 each. EYE BUY ART is the sister organization to the Toronto-based Flash Forward, an annual competition that showcases the future of photography and is considered to be one of the most important emerging art incubators in the world. 10% of the proceeds from each sale will go towards funding for the recently announced Flash Forward Festival.