Ryerson Gallery Holiday Show and Sale
Silent Auction, Preview and Bidding
November 21 to December 10
Bids close at 5 PM, Thursday, December 10

Gala Reception, Draw and Awards
Thursday, December 3, 6 - 10 PM
Announcing the 2009 Give Us Your Best Shot Winner
Selected by Bonnie Rubenstein, Artistic Director
CONTACT Toronto Photography Festival
Book Launch: Emergence
Celebrating thirty years of emerging artists!
Co-published by Gallery 44 and Ryerson University
Winning bids: payment and pick-up of works
December 11 and 12, noon to 5 PM at Ryerson Gallery
Ryerson Gallery thanks all its sponsors:
Adina Photo and Custom Frames I Canadian Art Magazine I ColourGenics I Downtown Camera I Dufflets I Elpro I Gallery 44 I Gallery TPW I PFACS - Ryerson University I Pikto I Prefix Photo I Scaramouche / Morden Yolles I School of Image Arts I Steam Whistle I Stephen Bulger Gallery I Studio of Edward Burtynsky I Toronto Black and White I Toronto Image Works
Gallery Hours: Wednesday - Saturday, 12 - 5 PM
80 Spadina Ave., Suite 305, Toronto ON M5V 2J4