Art for Commuters calls for Proposals or Expressions of Interest for CONTACT 2010

Art for Commuters exhibits slideshows on the network of over 270 Onestop LCD screens on TTC subway platforms to an audience of over 1 million daily commuters. This unique project venue will be an official public installation for the CONTACT Toronto Photography Festival to present site-specific work that explores the thematic focus of the 2010 festival Pervasive Influence.
In this era of instant information the widespread dissemination of images is stimulating sweeping, unprecedented change in the ways we communicate. Art for Commuters seeks proposals or expressions of Interest from artists and photographers whose work examines connections between mass media, advertising, art and photography. This includes images that utilize the codes of advertising, the language of consumerism, the stylization of marketing campaigns or the force of propaganda to reflect the emotional and political impact of photographic images and their effect on society and culture.
Project details: Images will be broadcast on subway platforms from May 1-31, 2010. Slideshows 30 or 60 seconds in durations will screen once every 10 minutes all day. The content of the slideshows can change either once or twice a day for up to 1 week. You can propose the number of related, or sequential, slideshows that your project requires. These would then play out over a number of days (up to one week), depending on the project’s needs.
The artist/photographer’s name and the title of their work will be displayed beside the slideshow whenever it is aired. All slideshows will also be presented on the website, and will be made available online from the day they screen on the TTC. The project will be prominently featured as a Public Installation within the festival.
Submissions must include: 5-10 sample images; image information sheet; bio or CV including contact information; artist statement that includes either a specific project proposal or a more general expression of interest that explains how your work addresses the theme Pervasive Influence.
Email your submission by December 1, 2009 to Sharon Switzer:
Produced by Art for Commuters, Onestop Media Group in partnership with the CONTACT Toronto Photography Festival. For more information on Contacting Toronto and details on CONTACT 2010 please visit our websites: