The 14th annual Toronto Photography Festival will consider the ways in which photography informs and transforms human behavior. CONTACT 2010: Pervasive Influence will reveal personal and social consequences of the medium of photography, in a society devoted to the image.
CONTACT welcomes submissions for feature exhibition proposals exploring the 2010 thematic focus of the festival, Pervasive Influence. Selected exhibitions of photography will be presented prominently within the festival to expose a dynamic range of artists throughout Toronto in May. Exhibition profiles will appear at the forefront of the festival magazine, website and promotional materials.
Submissions must include:
1. Exhibition Proposal: a concise one-page summary of the exhibition, with description of relationship to the theme. Please include exhibition dates, venue name, address, telephone, email and venue contact person;
2. Up to 15 digital files on CD (J-pegs maximum 1 MB each);
3. Corresponding list describing dimensions of work, media, title and year of production;
4. C.V. or other biographical information for each artist participating in the exhibition;
5. Correspondence details for inquiries (if different from venue): name, address, telephone, email;
6. Self-addressed stamped envelope (S.A.S.E.) for return of submission. Submissions provided without a S.A.S.E will not be returned.
NOTE: Only exhibitions with confirmed venues in the Toronto area during May 2010 can be submitted. CONTACT does not provide exhibition venues. All exhibitions submitted must be registered on-line for CONTACT 2010.
CONTACT 2010 Registration is Open!
Early and Non-Profit Registration Deadline: November 27, 2009
Regular Registration Deadline: December 16, 2009
Inquiries: 416-539-9595
Register online: www.contactphoto.com
CONTACT's open call for exhibitions has established the festival as the world's largest annual photography event. Register your exhibition to participate in a citywide celebration of photography with leading international artists.
Early registration fee: $425.00
Non-profit registration fee: $325.00
Regular registration fee: $465.00
*Organizations must provide proof of non-profit status prior to registration. Fees are subject to GST and are due upon registration*.
Benefits of registration include: exhibition listing with one image reproduction in the CONTACT festival magazine and website; extensive publicity and promotion of the festival; press access to your downloadable image on the CONTACT website; CONTACT venue signage; free copies of the CONTACT Festival Magazine and option to sell your magazines for the cover price, and keep the proceeds.
Registration details: the registrant is responsible for all venue arrangements and exhibition installation requirements. CONTACT does not provide exhibition venues. Any type of venue may be used including galleries, private dealers/studios, restaurants, cafes, websites and other alternatives. Exhibitions can open prior to May 1 and close after May 31, but must include May 2010 exhibition dates. CONTACT event calendars only include the month of May. Your photography exhibition may focus on any subject, although a relationship to the festival theme Pervasive Influence is encouraged. See the CONTACT website for the theme description: www.contactphoto.com
Send submissions to:
CONTACT Toronto Photography Festival
80 Spadina Avenue, Suite 310
Toronto, Ontario M5V 2J4
T 416 539 9595 and F 416 539 0829